Overview English planning law is broadly similar to Irish planning law. However, the resemblance is superficial and there are significant differences in detail in relation to the procedures and processes. As in Ireland, planning permission is required whenever there are “works” or a “material change of use”. The permission is generally referred to as a […]
Category: Planning and Building Control
Planning Process
Pre-Planning It is possible to apply for full planning consent or an outline planning consent. An outline planning consent leaves further detail for future decision. No works can commence until a full planning consent is obtained to dealing with the outstanding points of detail. An applicant for planning consent should consider the local development plans, […]
Planning Bodies and Planning Policies
Planning Authorities In England and Wales, there are two tiers of planning authorities, namely county planning authorities and district planning authorities. As was the case in Ireland before 1925, there are both County Councils and District Councils within each county. In the parts of the country where there is both a county authority and a […]
Planning Obligations
Planning Obligations in Developments Planning conditions, financial, social and affordable and other housing contributions operate differently to those in Ireland. Generally, planning obligations are opposed through conditions on the planning permission and also by way of a specific Section 106 Agreement which is a formal legal obligation entered between the developer, local authority and any […]
Neighbourhood Planning & Localism
The UK Government Neighbourhood planning guidance note explains the neighbourhood planning system introduced by the Localism Act, including key stages and considerations required. The following is an extract. Neighbourhood Planning Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. They […]
Planning Appeals
Appeals The applicant may appeal a planning decision of the local planning authority where it has refused permission granted permission with conditions or has not made a decision within the requisite timescales. An appeal may be written, by an informal hearing or by a public inquiry. The Secretary of State (the planning Inspectorate) determines the […]
Building Control
Overview As in Ireland, the English legislation on Planning Permission and Building Regulations are separate and , have different purposes. Planning legislation relates to the external appearance of buildings as the impact on the environment, the use of buildings, spatial policy and the safeguarding amenities. Building Control legislation and Building Regulations deal with construction standards. […]